Tag - VCD 10.4.1

VMware Cloud Director 2 minutes
During my Cloud Director 10.4.1 to 10.5 upgrade, I hit a repeated issue during the database upgrade step. Unable to upgrade the database: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: could not open shared memory segment “/PostgreSQL.839369758”: No such file or directory Or sometimes this: Unable to upgrade the database: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: An I/O error occurred while sending to the backend I dug through many, MANY logs. At first I thought it was the resources on my VCD cell, so I increased CPU and RAM allocations and the upgrade was successful.
VMware Cloud Director 2 minutes
With the release of VMware Cloud Director 10.5 to VMware Cloud Providers, I wanted to jump on it early and get a blog post about the upgrade process and new features. Except, I’ve been battling a small issue getting the upgrade through in my lab! Enjoy the read. My environment consists of: Cloud Director 10.4.1 (single cell) Container Service Extension 4.0.3 App LaunchPad 2.1.2 For this post, I’ll only be upgrading Cloud Director to 10.