PSC 6.0U3 not respecting certool.cfg settings when generating VMCA CSR
| 3 minutes
VMware vSphere vCenter PSC Certificates

After a very successful and quick migration from Windows SSO 5.5 U3e installation to a Platform Services Controller v6.0U3 appliance I was ready to get my VMCA into action.

We have a corporate internal Microsoft CA with the VMware certificate templates already created as per VMware KB 2112009. Everything was coming up Milhouse, until CSR generation time using the ‘certificate-manager’ on the PSCs.

After stepping through the ‘certificate-manager’ wizard and having the CSR and private key files sent to a directory of my choosing, I quickly inspected the CSR using openssl to make sure I was on the right track:

openssl req -in vmca_issued_csr.csr -noout -text

My CSR still had the old self-signed details of the PSC node! Sure, it was marked as a certificate authority, but contained all the default VMware self-signed details.

I had a look in the VMware pubs (specifically this bit) and found that it’s possible to generate the CSR with my own config file. Using the “certool.cfg” template config file in /usr/lib/vmware-vmca/share/config, I quickly spun out a config file to match my VMCA node details and stuck it in /tmp for the time being.

Here is how you use certool command:

/usr/lib/vmware-vmca/bin/certool --gencsr --privkey={destination of private key} --pubkey={destination of public key} --csrfile={destination of new CSR} --config={the config file I created}

And here is what I ran:

/usr/lib/vmware-vmca/bin/certool --gencsr --privkey=/root/vmca_private.key --pubkey=/root/vmca_public.key --csrfile=/root/vmca_req.csr --config=/tmp/vmca.cfg

Obviously, you can name the files whatever you like.

While this seems like it should’ve worked and should churn out a VMCA compatible intermediate CSR, it doesn’t. It only creates a CSR for a normal ‘machine’ certificate (compared to what I wanted which was a CA signing cert). I couldn’t figure out the config requirements to generate a CSR for a CA. But how was the certificate-manager doing it?

Certificate-manager is actually generating a CSR from an existing certificate while using a config file to overwrite most of the parameters. The certificate it uses is the default VMCA self-signed root certificate, and the config file is made up from your answers in the certificate-manager wizard. Cool! Maybe I’ll try this manually using the certool instead, thinking certificate-manager has regressed in Update 3. Referencing my previously crafted cartoon.cfg file in /tmp, here’s what I ran:

/usr/lib/vmware-VMCA/bin/certool --gencsrfromexistingcert --privkey=/root/vmca_private.key --pubkey=/root/vmca_public.key --csrfile=/root/vmca_req.csr --certfile=/etc/vmware-vmca/*************

Unfortunately, this didn’t work either. I still ended up with a CSR with all the details of a self signed VMCA. It definitely looks like the 6.0U3 certool has regressed and is experiencing a similar bug to 6.0U1 (6.0U1 release notes).

The only way I was able to get around it was using a temporary 6.0U2 PSC machine and using the certificate-manager tool to create the CSR and private key. The CSR and key were taken off the temporary PSC, submitted and approved to my enterprise CA with great success. I was able to use the 6.0U3 certool to install the new VMCA intermediate certificate.

Let me know in the comments if you found a fix or are experiencing the same issue.

About Stellios Williams
Senior Cloud Solutions Architect - Service Providers VMware
This is my personal tech related blog for anything private and public cloud - including homelabs! My postings are my own and don’t necessarily represent VMware’s positions, strategies or opinions. Any technical guidance or advice is given without warranty or consideration for your unique issues or circumstances.
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